Archive for the category “Misc”


April showers have brought an MRI. I’ve had constant back pain since February 2 and finally went for an MRI. Hopefully, I’ll get answers and a plan to get rid of the pain.

Back pain has put a huge crimp in my life. I really cannot do the things I enjoy nor can I do the things I need to do (and do not enjoy, like housework).  I cannot sit, stand, or lie down for any length of time comfortably.  I am not taking prescription pain medicine and muscle relaxers every day. I would be too stoned to function and I gotta work!

So, I take the medicine at night and on weekends which means I get very little accomplished.

Constant pain is frustrating. I hope you never experience it. It sucks.

Mobile Blogging!

Sweet! I love being able to do things from my phone!

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